Bibliography & Resources


Barrett, Helen C. (April, 2000). Create Your Own Electronic Portfolio: Using Off-the-Shelf Software to Showcase Your Own or Student Work.  Learning and Leading with Technology, v.27, no. 7, pp 14-21.  Retrieved May 21, 2002, from the Wilson Select Database on the World Wide Web:


Chang, Chi-Cheng (1999). Construction and Evaluation of a Web-Based Learning Portfolio System: An Electronic Assessment Tool.  Innovations in Education and Teaching International, v.75, pp 144-155.  Retrieved May 28, 2002, from the World Wide Web:


Charles, C.M.; Mertler, Craig A. (2002). Introduction to Educational Research. Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon, A Pearson Education Company.


Cooley, Van E. (Winter, 1997). Technology: Building Success through Teacher Empowerment.  Educational Horizons, v.75, pp 73-77.  Retrieved May 17, 2002, from the Wilson Select Database on the World Wide Web:


Hanfland, Pamela (March, 1999). Electronic Portfolios: Students Documenting Their Best Work.  Learning and Leading with Technology, v.26, no. 6, pp 54-57.  Retrieved May 24, 2002, from the Wilson Select Database on the World Wide Web:


Holbein, Marie F. Doan; Jackson, Karin (1999). Study Groups and Electronic Portfolios: A Professional Development School Inservice Project.  Journal of Technology and Teacher Education, v.7, no. 3, pp 205-217.  Retrieved May 16, 2002, from the Wilson Select Database on the World Wide Web:


Johnson, Judi Mathis (September, 2000). Teacher’s Portfolio.  Learning and Leading with Technology, v.28, no. 1, pp 60-61.  Retrieved May 21, 2002, from the Wilson Select Database on the World Wide Web:


Lennex, Lesia C. (January, 1998). Digital Portfolios Production Among Pre-Service Elementary Teachers.  Report from Morehead State University.  Retrieved June 4, 2002, from the Wilson Select Database on the World Wide Web:


Norum, Karene; Grabinger, R. Scott; Duffield, Judith A. (1999).  Healing the Universe is an Inside Job: Teachers’ Views on Integrating Technology.  Journal of Technology and Teacher Education, v.7, no. 3, pp 187-203.  Retrieved May 22, 2002, from the Wilson Select Database on the World Wide Web:


Riggsby, Dutchie; Jewell, Virginia; Justice, Arthur (June, 1995).  Electronic Portfolio: Assessment, Resume or Marketing Tool. Proceedings of the Association of Small Computer Users in Education (ASCUE) Summer Conference.  Retrieved May 22, 2002, from the Wilson Select Database on the World Wide Web:


Wiedmer, Terry L. (April, 1998). Digital Portfolios: Capturing and Demonstrating Skills and Levels of Performance.  Phi Delta Kappan, v.79, no. 8, pp 586-589.  Retrieved May 21, 2002, from the Wilson Select Database on the World Wide Web: